Development and liquidity demand of Non-Standard Assets

-DNP Group

DNP is an asset platform that provides fair evaluation and liquidity for non-standard assets(NSA). DNP platform covers all types of Non-Standard Assets including Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), Liquidity Provider Tokens (LP Tokens), and tokenized rights.

By coding smart contracts, DNP has achieved the divestiture of asset ownership, use rights, and earning rights within the product in an innovative way, so that asset holders and users can maximize capital efficiency. Compared with other lending protocols in blockchain industry, DNP can provide a wider range of asset support, a more flexible loan portfolio, and more diversified asset realization solutions.

The demand for non-standard assets has greatly increased, and its related value has also increased. For example, according to a report from the analysis platform DappRadar, NFT trading volume soared to $10.67 billion in the third quarter of 2021 .

The emergence of DNP platform is to strive to provide better liquidity for all non-standard assets on the premise of the popularity of the whole non-standard asset market.

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